Have questions on parts compatibility |
SearchFor parts, tires and wheels, the compatible vehicles are listed in a "Compatibility" section in the item description just below the "Item Specifics" section. The buyer will see a list of all vehicles compatible with your part.
Consolidating your listings using the parts compatibility feature may help your Best Match listing performance score (your listing's sales in relation to the number of times a buyer sees it).
Most buyers search for parts by entering the part description and information about their vehicle. With parts compatibility, your listing will appear each time a buyer searches for relevant parts by describing the vehicle, not just when the title matches the individual keywords.
With parts compatibility, search will return listings using the vehicles in the compatibility section of your listing and the keywords in your title. This means you can use your title for popular search elements such as brand or part number to better market your listings. Fitment will appear on each of the following sites internationally:
UK, Germany, Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Spain as well as other Global Buying Hub countries. Click here for more information about our global shipping program.